10 years on the Polish Market

Hundreds of satisfied customers give us satisfaction for everyday work

Medical programs

The company MediaM group in addition to IT services as Asseco’s Silver Partner in the scope of mMedica, deals in sales, implementation, training and application service for clinics.

IT service for companies

The mediaM group is a company that employs IT specialists from various fields (Linux / Windows administrators, teleinformation networks, graphic designers and programmers).

Value Added Reseller

We help in choosing a good tailored to the needs of the customer and the situation at the time of purchase, as well as after the purchase

We provide services


BIG Info Monitor - Partner Grupa mediaM
ASSECO POLAND - Partner Grupa mediaM
Censor - Partner Grupa mediaM

Our customers

Liki Mobile Solution - Klient Grupa mediaM
Ekovisus - Klient Grupa mediaM
Centra Medyczne Medyceusz - Klient Grupa mediaM
Tuszuńskie Centrum Medyczne - Klient Grupa mediaM